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VBT was founded on 24.06.1993. The establishment of the company was registered in the Trade Registry Gazette dated 30.06.1993 and numbered 3.309. The establishment name of the company is "VISION DATA PROCESSING CONSULTANCY AND TOURISM INDUSTRY LIMITED COMPANY". The company was established with a capital of 100,000,000 TL (in Old Currency).
With the decision taken on 25.12.1996, the company increased its capital by TL (in Old Currency) and the relevant decision was published in the Trade Registry Gazette numbered 4.334 on 24.01.1997.
Received the Platinum Technology's representative in Turkey that DB2 software for IBM Mainframes. Detector to YAPI-KREDİ and GARANTİ BANK, Unload-Reorg Utilities to BAĞ-KUR, Migrator to T.C. MERKEZ BANK and these products’ sales, installation, adaptation and support services were provided.
With Elba Computer undertake distributorship of Legent Corporation in Turkey, carried out the establishment and support services of Endevor, Mim and Xcom, which are among the products of this company, in THY environments.
Acting as the representative of Boole Babbage and New Dimension Software companies, Vizyon sold Mainview products to ERDEMİR and StopX-37 to YAPI KREDİ BANK and provided support services.
Started projects with IBM Professional Services, provided consultancy and support services to THY and ALCATEL TELETAŞ within this framework.
Control-D product was installed in AKBANK and went live.
Control-M and Control-O products were sold to THY and implemented.
Control-T product was delivered to AKBANK and put into use.
Within the scope of the Millennium (Year 2000) projects, together with IBM, carried out Transformation Projects at AIR LOGISTICS COMMAND, TCDD and PETKIM.
Carried out transition projects from VSE operating system to MVS together with IBM at ETİBANK.
Solution partner of BMC Software, has implemented Mainview products and Control-D product in ETİBANK.
PKZIP product of ASI Company was sold to İŞ BANK and PAMUKBANK, TICTOC product of Isogon Company to PAMUKBANK and ERDEMİR, DSSI Company’s Pro-JCL product to AKBANK, and support services were provided.
Carried out transition projects from VSE operating system to MVS together with IBM in DEMİRBANK.
Mainview products were put into live use in DEMİRBANK.
The AVEA (then known as Aria) project was initiated. Working with a team of 30 people with IBM Italy and IBM Turkey, Vizyon has established the entire IT infrastructure (Unix, Linux, Oracle, Network, Operation) of AVEA and provided its support for 3 years.
Ankara Office and in 2003 Adana Office opened.
By incorporating Help Computer, IBM AS-400 Specialization was added to the portfolio. E-Municipality applications were modernized and supported in Tarsus, Samsun Metropolitan, Gazi and Atakum Municipalities.
The hardware and software partner of IBM, won the IBM CROSSBRAND award by carrying out Mainframe hardware and software upgrades, Lotus Notes applications and DatawareHouse projects in Petkim.
Business partnerships with Oracle and Microsoft were initiated.
Turkey's first web-based Dealer Automation Project using Oracle Database and .NET technologies, carried out in PEPSI. The project was expanded and supported with other services such as software development, maintenance, call-center support, outsourcing personnel provision, oracle maintenance support.
Until 2007, operation outsource support was given to AVEA.
The MVS operating system was upgraded for the Pension Fund.
Together with IBM, 7-person outsource service was provided to the Pension Fund for system management.
SAS software support was given to Turkcell and AKBANK.
Outsource service was started to IBM Operations Center.
Oracle Database and NET-based Dealer Automation project was implemented in ÜLKER. The project was expanded with call center and training supports.
The project of transforming the MVS-DB2-Natural environment of the Saudi Arabian Navy (RSNF) to z-linux, UDB, Java environment was initiated and the project was delivered in 2010.
"Elementary Insurance" package was rewritten in Oracle environment in AKSİGORTA and transferred from AS / 400 environment to Oracle environment.
Control-M, Control-R, Control-O, Control-T and Mainview for z / OS, Mainview for CICS, Mainview for DB2 products of BMC Software Company were installed, adapted and put into production environment for Social Insurance Institution.
Java projects and AS-400 application support services were initiated with OYAK-RENAULT.
Outsource support was provided to İşbank within the scope of the Datawarehouse project.
BMC Software's Control-M product was installed and supported for HSBC.
ARGUS ERP package was started to be rewritten using .net technology on Oracle database and it was commissioned in TAMEK.
Sales Management System product was sold to ÇAY-KUR. Adaptation and support services were provided. This project was supported until 2016.
BMC software products Patrol, Marimba, Foundation Discovery and BMC Atrium CMDB, Remedy Incident Management, Problem Management and Change Management products were installed and put into production for PEPSI.
Service Desk Express product of BMC Software company, implementation was carried out to AstraZeneca.
DB2 consultancy service was provided to OYAK Headquarters.
The BMC Solution Partnership Agreement, which has been ongoing since 1993, has been expanded to include distributed environments and products.
DB2 trainings were given to Izmir TESCO and Adana AVIVA.
Support service for Patrol and Reporting products from BMC Software products was started for HSBC.
İMVS and DB2 trainings were given to Bank Mellat in Iran.
Our agreement has been raised to the PREMIER PARTNER level due to our successful work within the BMC organization
Consultancy was given to RIYADBANK in Saudi Arabia on BMC Mainframe products.
Halk Bank ITSM project was initiated.
DB2 High Availability has been installed on AVIVASA.
DB2 for z / OS Database Administrator Workshop training was provided to İşbank.
DB2 for z / OS Application performance and Tuning training was provided to Central Bank of Turkey Republic.
DB2 for z / OS Application Programming Workshop training was provided to İşbank.
DB2 Version upgrade of Ground Forces in Saudi Arabia has been carried out.
Halk Bank Institutional Modernization Project was completed and VAGEN codes were converted to EGL.
BMC DB2 products APPTUNE, LOGMASTER and RECOVERY were sold to İşbank.
Cobol Java trainings were provided to İşbank.
OPTIM project was carry out for Halk Bank.
Software support was started for the Sertelli Group.
Distributor Data Transfer project was completed for Diversey Chemistry.
Kartal Municipality's website was launched.
Social Security Institution DB2 and MVS support started.
BMC Remedy product transition was made in PEPSI.
ZOS and DB2 support was given to Social Insurance Institution.
Software developer support started in COBOL projects at İşbank.
Oyak-Renault Synchronization Project was successfully put into use.
Attended the NETAPP Innovation Summit 2011 summit as a gold sponsor with BMC Software.
Attended the “Do More With Less” meeting organized by IBM.
In Kartal Municipality, VBT E-Municipality System was put into operation on April 4, 2011.
HALKBANK renewed IBM Optim 2011 Maintenance Agreement.
TAMEK started to provide SAP Project Management Support.
İŞBANK - continues to DB2 Maintenance Support with VBT.
VBT Consultant Cüneyt Göksu made a presentation on “Why DB2 on System Z” by attending the meetings held in Hyat Regency Hotel, Istanbul under the title of “Intelligent Information Management Solutions, 2011”.
Won the SSI Software Support Service tender.
THY - BMC renewed its Software Maintenance Agreement.
Java Consulting Support was given to SteelOrbis.
Additional license agreement has been signed within the scope of HALKBANK / BMC Software - ITSM Project.
DB2 for z / O S Master Class seminar organized jointly by BMC Software and VBT was held in Grand Hyatt Istanbul.
KRONOS Solutions has taken an important step in the Southern European market with the Partnership Agreement with VBT.
İŞBANK started to carry out Banking Project Maintenance together with VBT.
Successfully executed Mainframe Software and Development Service at SSI.
The Sales Automation System written for SERTELLİ Company was successfully completed and put into use.
Alcatel received trainings at Admin and User levels on ITSM and its related modules on Lucent.
HSBC started to manage its open systems jobs with BMC Software Job Scheduler Control-M.
DB2 9 Admin Workshop for Windows training was given to the Computer Center of Gendarmerie General Command.
Cüneyt Göksu has been the IBM Champion in DB2 and Database.
Alcatel – Lucent chose Remedy product family.
DB2 9.7 Administration course was given in Turkey Atomic Energy Department staff on September 26-30.
Turkey Atomic Energy Agency was made in the DB2 8.2 upgrade from DB2 9.7y process.
HSBC Turkey IT Operation Team Control-M User training was given.
Cloud Computing Simulation of BMC took place in Istanbul between 2-3 November.
HSBC Turkey Admin Control-M IT Operations teams were given training.
DB2 9 for z / OS Database Administration Workshop training was given to SSI.
Partnership agreement signed with Most Technology Company.
A one-week Control-M training was given to Halkbank, HSBC, Krediver companies.
KrediVer chose BMC Software Control-M Job Scheduler.
DB2 9.7 Administrator training was given to Anadolu University BAUM staff on 13-17 March.
VBT won the Central Batch Workload Automation Software tender opened by T.R. Ziraat Bank.
Second Cloud Computing Event was held in Swiss Hotel in cooperation with BMC Software.
Tayfun YURDAGÜL has been selected for IBM Redbook writing project for WebSphere.
Cüneyt Göksu made a presentation as the Opening Speaker at IBM's Intelligent Information Management events.
DB2 Performance Tuning training was given to Anadolu University BAUM personnel.
VBT has increased its partnership level with IBM from Advanced to Premiere.
DB2 for z / OS Application Performance and Tuning trainings were delivered to Central Bank of Turkish Republic.
DB2 Training was given to university students who are members of NextGen Club at IBM Ankara Office on 3-4-5 September.
Cüneyt Göksu served as a presentation and panel manager at the BIG Data panel of the Informatics Summit 2012.
DB2 Administration on DB2 LUW 10.1 training was given to TCDD and Havelsan personnel between 11-15 February.
The success story of SSI's transition to DB2 10 was published in the international magazine.
VBT & BMC Software - held the ITSM V8 organization at Sheraton Maslak Hotel Istanbul on February 21, 2013.
AKTEK chose BMC Software REMEDY solution to meet its Service Management needs.
ENERJİSA chose BMC Software REMEDY solution to meet its Service Management needs.
PEGASUS BMC Workload Automation product was sold.
KKB Microfocus product sales were realized.
İŞBANK Outsource new protocol agreements were signed.
İŞBANK BMC Tool DB2 products agreement was signed.
6 companies within Genpa and Erdem Holding will use i-GATE, the e-Invoice and e-Ledger solution of VBT.
VBT Information Technologies became AUTHORIZED TURQUALITY CONSULTANCY Company.
i-GATE E-Ledger application was approved by the Revenue Administration.
Isnet signed a cooperation agreement with VBT on E-invoice.
An agreement was signed with İşbank Softtech.
Brisa renewed its contract.
New ones have been added to E-Invoice customers.
Oyak Renault renewed its agreement.
The Central Bank preferred VBT for IBM DB2 products.
Won the SSI personnel support tender.
Contract signed with Ulugöl Otomotiv.
IBM operation continues with staff support.
Tamek support agreement has been renewed.
SSI DB2 mus_cıcs and employee support agreement was signed.
İşbank DB2 support continues.
THY signed the BMC products contract.
HSBC renewed its contract.
Sales of the new BMC product to İşbank.
Akbank signed the BMC product contract.
Contracts with E-Ledger Metlife, Arsan Group, Toros , Genpa and Sanko Holding were concluded.
E-Invoice continues with Ulkar, Toros Farming, Sanko and Genpa Holding companies.
Brisa Project Management contract was signed.
Renewal agreement was signed for Çaykur Dealer Automation Project.
SERTELLİ signed the support agreement.
Employee support agreement was renewed.
TAV Group of Companies chose E-Ledger VBT.
Ototrim Contracts renewed.
E-Invoice Albaraka contract signed.
İşbank Microfocus signed a product agreement.
Contract signed with Fintek.
İşbank received performance training.
IBM DB2 product was sold to Garanti Bank.
HSBC SDS product maintenance agreement was made.
Continues E-Invoice and E-Ledger contracts with new customers.
Ravago group of companies E-Ledger sales transaction has been completed.
ISFALT E-Ledger and E-Invoice contract has been completed.
Training was provided to the Ministry of Justice.
İşbank, Microfocus license agreement was signed.
Eriş Un has chosen E-Ledger VBT.
Chose VBT in the Mv Holding E-Ledger Project.
E-Ledger agreement was signed with Demir Insurance Inc.
Abdi İbrahim Holding E-Ledger project was realized.
Akbank BMC products contract was renewed.
E-Ledger business partnership agreement was signed with Türkkep.
TAEK IBM products maintenance agreement was renewed.
E-Ledger agreement was signed with Etis Logistic Inc.
Halkbank chose VBT for its E-Ledger project.
Halkbank signed a license agreement for BMC products.
Accessibility Software Project contract was signed with the Turkish Republic Ministry of Family and Social Services.
Work started on IBM software infrastructure within the scope of TCDD EYBİS (Electronic Passenger Ticket System) project together with Havelsan.
TAEK (Turkey Atomic Energy Agency) and IBM have signed a maintenance and support contract.
Outsourcing agreement was signed with ENERJİSA.
TÜBİTAK J-CONVERT project application has been approved.
SSI continues with VBT System Experts this year.
ISO 27001: 2013 Certificate was obtained.
ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System certificate was renewed.
T.R. Central Bank OTC DB2 renewals were completed.
THY entrusted the System Operation to VBT Top Gun System Experts.
TCDD EYBİS (Electronic Passenger Ticket System) Project started to be monitored with Jennifer APM.
IBM DB2 and CDC (Change Data Capture) were put into use with the latest versions in TAEK.
Ziraat Technology CONTROL-M annual consultancy support agreement was signed.
Central Bank DB2 License support agreement was signed.
License and maintenance services for BMC Atrium Discovery and Event Management products procurement and maintenance support agreement was signed.
HalkBank BMC Cost Analyzer for zEnterprise-CazE and BMC Intelligent Capping for z / OS-İcap product were sold.
VBT won Kartal Municipality software development maintenance support tender.
The State Airports Authority Cute / Cupps system won the tender for the OCR keyboard.
VBT has launched its expertise in E-Transformation on
COBOL training was held in IBM Istanbul office on 12-14 October together with IBM.
Jennifer APM Event, organized jointly by VBT - Jennifer, was held on 21 October Ankara on 20 October in Istanbul.
The VizyonIK term has begun at Can Insurance.
Support was given to THY, BRİSA, ENERJISA, SOFTTECH.
License sales were made to BMC-IBM.
Project Development Activities were carried out and Mobile Project Development operations were initiated.
VBT increased its turnover by 40%.
VBT Information Technologies has received the R&D Center Official Certificate from the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology.
VBT increased its turnover by 39%.
The number of E-Transformation customers of VBT reached 250.
IBM Mainframe hardware and software were sold to the T.R. Central Bank and software support continues.
BMC Remedy ITSM software was sold to the T.R. Central Bank and development support continues.
Outsource operations continued with IBM, BRİSA, SOFTTECH, THY AND ENERJİSA.
IBM FileNet ECM and DataCap products were sold to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
VBT increased its turnover approximately 2.5 times.
Turkey Centered Manufacturer of the Year and in various business applications branches; the category winner was VBT in Informatics 500 Summit .VBT won the Cloud Integration Solutions of the Year and Data Storage Solution Partner of the Year awards given by IBM.
Our R & D product "JCONVERT APPLICATION MODERNIZATION" was sold to OYAK Holding.
Introductory Presentations of R&D Products were made within the scope of IT Vision Anatolia Meetings (İstanbul, Bursa, Ankara, Adana, Eskişehir, İzmir).
Contract signed with Erdemir for ERP software.
We received the IBM Cloud Solutions Best Solution Partner Award.
Export sales of 2 R & D products (Belgium and Saudi Arabia) were made.
A software modernization project was taken in Erdemir and Isdemir groups and work started.
Software work of the European Union supported IBMM project carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and E&Y was completed.
ITEA-3 call to Turkey from 5 partners (Turkcell, Verius, GoLive, Hermes, the ARD Group) was held in conjunction with the application. In the consortium, a project related to KVVK was undertaken with companies from Belgium, France and Romania.
The sales agreement of BMC Software products with HalkBank was renewed for 3 years.
SSI Employer project software development and support service started.
Support was given to THY, BRİSA, ENERJISA, SOFTTECH
The number of VBT's E-Transformation customers reached 500. E-Waybill and E-SMMM products were developed.
We were among the top 100 companies in the Informatics 500 Summit technology companies list
The company made the kind of change on 15.12.2020. The title of the company is VBT Software Inc. has changed as.
Product sales and 3-year maintenance agreement was signed with PTT on application gateway (API GATEWAY).
A software development contract was signed with Ankara Patent firm to digitize the trademark and patent processes.
A 1-year maintenance and support agreement was signed with TAI for databases.
A 1-year software and hardware maintenance support agreement was signed with SSI for mainframe systems.
The company changed its address on 15.02.2021. Moved the company's headquarters to AND Plaza.
The company has accepted the registered capital system and has switched to the registered capital system with the permission of the CMB dated 20/03/2021.